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Vicky Lucato schreibt einen Songtext

Vicky Lucato

We met Vicky at night in Rio de Janeiro and she immediately gave us a singing sample on the famous Selaron stairs. She had a great voice and for us it was immediately clear that we had to make a recording with her. We gave her a guitar piece by Andrew James from South Africa and the next morning Vicky was standing in front of our boat with a complete new song. The song was called ‘Travelling man‘ and the lyrics were even about us. Vicky was on top form during our recording sessions and when Jack Mantis heard this piece later, it made him cry.
The orchestra Neojiba from Salvador de Bahia later complements Vicky’s singing with wonderful orchestral arrangements.

Vicky Lucato | Music

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Vicky Lucato | Travelling Man

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Has worked on the following songs:
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