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Beautiful Soul

Music, Lyrics, Vocals & Piano by: Shameem Taheri-Lee

This song by Shameem was recorded in one take on the roof of a hostel in Toronto/Canada. Shameem plays electric piano and sings.

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Every boy and every girl
Born with such a beautiful soul
Is taught ugliness in this world
Haven’t you heard?
Haven’t you heard?

Such an innocent creature
Born into this life
Carries no preconceptions, no wrongs
But we teach them to be cautious of the other
Not to just trust and love one another
It’s dangerous”, we say

Every boy and every girl
Born with such a beautiful soul
Is taught ugliness in this world
Haven’t you heard?
Every boy and every girl
Born with such a beautiful soul
Is taught ugliness in this world
Haven’t you heard?

Haven’t you heard?

And wherever you go now
Those little eyes are watching
Every evil you harbour, they’ll see
Please don’t behave as if you think only of yourself
Without considering the needs of anyone else
You know what is at play


It’s so absurd
How we teach them to choose darkness over light
They heed our word
When we tell them they should fight
Instead of stand up for what is right

[Chorus x2]

Haven’t you heard?
Haven’t you heard?
Haven’t you heard?
Haven’t you heard?

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